As a minimum we aim to comply with all regulations, and our commitment to our Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) element of our management system will generate continual improvement in our safety performance through setting and reviewing our health & safety targets and objectives.

 In so doing we aim to continuously reduce the incidence of accidents towards the goal of accident free operation ensuring compliance with legislation all of policies and procedures.

The policies and procedures, including this policy, are supported and reviewed by the Senior Management Team.

 The Company’s Occupational Health & Safety Management System, which is an integral part of the Integrated Management System (IMS) and has been established to conform to the contractual and regulatory requirements as stated in the International Standard BS EN ISO 45001:2018

For our OHSMS to be effective it is essential that all employees, at all levels adhere to the procedures at all times. Training and auditing will ensure that this happens.

Daniel Davies

Managing Director

 June 2021

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